Sunday, December 19, 2010

Baltic FD responds to vehicle fire on 12/16/10......

Firefighters Donald Allen Jr. and Michael Meadows handling hose line ops.

On Thursday, December 16, 2010, at 13:00 hours, the Baltic FD was dispatched to 150 Riverside Drive in the Versailles section of Sprague for a vehicle fire. The first arriving officer confirmed a working pick up truck fire and requested an engine from Occum FD also to be dispatched. Baltic ET-224 was the first engine to arrive and the crew went right to work to extinguish the fire. Occum ET- 42 and Baltic ET-124 arrived together and assisted with overhaul. Thank you Joe for the pics....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Baltic FD responds to bathroom fire 12/06/10.....

Posted Dec 06, 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Two Sprague residents have been displaced from their apartment in the Baltic section of town following a fire late Monday morning.

It happened about 11:19 a.m., in unit D of a complex at 121 W. Main St., Baltic Volunteer Fire Department Chief Robert Tardif said. The fire broke out in a bathroom ceiling fan light fixture but was quickly extinguished at the scene.

However, heavy smoke and soot damage rendered the unit uninhabitable, Tardif said.

“You’ve got to get somebody in there to inspect the place and make sure it’s safe,” he said. “Nobody is going to live in that type of environment.”

Fire Marshal Rich Hamel and Building Inspector Joseph Smith could not be reached for comment Monday.

About an hour after the incident, Connecticut Red Cross officials began mobilizing to help the displaced tenants with financial aid for emergency clothing and food, agency spokesman Paul Shipman said.

Shipman said the people found their own accommodations, but need help in other areas until they can return to their apartment.

“Each case is different. We’re going to sit down and work with the affected family,” he said.

Shipman said the state’s Red Cross chapter responds to about 500 fires a year and relies on community donations to help keep its operations intact.

Copyright 2010 Norwich Bulletin. Some rights reserved

E-Mail from Car 124,

Reported bathroom fire. Stations 24,25 Occum + Yantic FAST on initial response. Lisbon added by C-124 due to multiple occupancy w/handicap residents,daytime manpower,+ 30mph wind conditions. Myself aboard ET-124 found nothing visible from exterior(7 mins from toc). Was met by bldg mgr that reported everyone out+accounted for. I found lower level apt charged w/smoke + no visible fire. Lisbon ordered to stage @24. Scba crew w/tic entered and found no fire showing. Bldg mgr secured power+water to bldg. Co's opened up ceiling around bathroom fan (source of fire) and traced venting to exterior finding no extension. Occum examined up level apts and found conditions good. Yantic fast stood @ ready w/ET-124 as L-124 moved into position. Finding no extension 24 units + ET-42 held/ma dismissed w/thanks. The 11 occupants of the 4 units took temporary shelter in their vehicles. As ventilation was completed in the units they were allowed back in. The exception was the unit of origin which was deemed uninhabitable by FM-124(building official n/a). The Red Cross was on scene and was tending to the needs of the 2 handicapped occupants. No injuries to occupants or FF's. A great job + great response by all FD's,dispatch ctrs and other responding agencies (FMO,Red Cross+Sprague Water Dept.). *noteworyhy* fire was of sufficient magnitude it melted a near by domestic waterline that greatly aided in keeping the fire from spreading. (Just like M.S Chambers mill fire). Again,Thanks to all.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baltic FD Firefighter of the Year...11/06/10...

On Saturday November 06, 2010 the Baltic FD had their annual banquet and Jimmy Lewis was named the Firefighter of the Year. Congratulations to Jimmy for a job well done. Thanks Tim for the pic.....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baltic FD responds to paper mill for a roof fire 11/4/10...

On Thursday November 04, 2010, at approx. 13:55, the Baltic FD responded to Cascade Paper Board located on Inland Road for a reported roof fire. Upon arrival of Baltic units they found the fire that had been in a roof vent, had been K/D by the plants fire brigade. M/A was requested from the Lisbon FD, Taftville FD, and Yantic FD as the F.A.S.T. Thanks Tim for the pics....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baltic FD Preforms Fire Prevention at Schools 10/4/10....

On October 4, 2010, members of the Baltic FD took the day and went to the schools in town to talk to students about Fire Prevention.....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget...09/11/10

Joseph Agnello, Lt. Brian Ahern, Eric Allen, Richard Allen, Capt. James Amato, Calixto Anaya Jr., Joseph Angelini Sr., Joseph Angelini Jr., Faustino Apostol Jr., David Arce, Louis Arena, Carl Asaro, Lt. Gregg Atlas, Gerald Atwood, Matthew Barnes, Gerald Baptiste, A.C. Gerard Barbara, Arthur Barry, Lt. Steven Bates, Carl Bedigian, Stephen Belson, John Bergin, Paul Beyer, Peter Biefeld, Brian Bilcher, Carl Bini, Christopher Blackwell, Michael Bocchino, Frank Bonomo, Gary Box, Michael Boyle, Kevin Bracken, Michael Brennan, Peter Brennan, Capt. Daniel Brethel, Capt. Patrick Brown, Capt. Vincent Brunton, Capt. William Burke Jr, Andrew Brunn, F.M. Ronald Bucca, Greg Buck, A.C. Donald Burns, John Burnside, Thomas Butler, Patrick Byrne, George Cain, Salvatore Calabro, Capt. Frank Callahan, Michael Cammarata, Brian Cannizzaro, Dennis Carey, Michael Carlo, Michael Carroll, Peter Carroll, Thomas Casoria, Michael Cawley, Vernon Cherry, Nicholas Chiofalo, John Chipura, Michael Clarke, Steven Coakley, Tarel Coleman, John Collins, Robert Cordicce, Ruben Correa, James Coyle, Robert Crawford, Lt. John Crisci, B.C. Dennis A. Cross, Thomas Cullen III, Robert Curatolo, Lt. Edward D'Atri, Michael Dauria, Scott Davidson, Edward Day, B.C. Thomas DeAngelis, Manuel Delvalle, Martin Demeo, David Derubbio, Lt. Andrew Desperito, Dennis Devlin, Gerard Dewan, George Dipasquale, Lt. Kevin Donnelly, Lt. Kevin Dowdell, B.C. Ray Downey, Gerald Duffy, Capt. Martin Eagan Jr., Michael Elferis, Francis Esposito, Lt. Michael Esposito, Robert Evans, B.C. Jack Fanning, Capt. Thomas Farino, Terrance Farrell, Capt. Joseph Farrelly, Deputy Comm. William Feehan, Lee Fehling, Alan Feinberg, Frank Fiore, Michael Fiore, Lt. John Fischner, Andre Fletcher, John Florio, Lt. Michael Fodor, Thomas Foley, David Fontana, Robert Foti, Andrew Fredricks, Lt. Peter Freund, Thomas Gambino Jr., Chief of Dept. Peter Ganci Jr., Lt. Charles Garbarini, Thomas Gardner,Thomas Garner, Matthew Garvey, Bruce Gary, Gary Geidel, B.C. Edward Geraghty, Denis Germain, James Giberson, Ronnie Gies, Paul Gill, Lt. Vincent Giammona, Lt. John Ginley, Jeffery Giordano, John Giordano (1), Keith Glascoe, James Gray, B.C. Joe Grzelak, Jose Guadalupe,Lt. Geoffrey Guja, Lt. Joseph Gullickson, David Halderman, Lt. Vincent Halloran, Robert Hamilton, Sean Hanley, Thomas Hannafin, Dana Hannon, Daniel Harlin, Lt. Harvey Harrell, Lt. Stephen Harrell, Capt.Thomas Haskell Jr., Timothy Haskell, Michael Haub, Vincent Halloran, Capt. Terry Hatton, Lt. Mike Healey, John Heffernan, Ronnie Henderson, Joseph Henry, William Henry, Thomas Hetzel, Capt. Brian Hickey, Lt. Tim Higgins, John Hohmann, Thomas Holohan, Joseph Hunter, Capt. Walter Hynes, Jonathan Ielpi, Capt. Fredrick Ill Jr., William Johnston, Andrew Jordan, Karl Joseph, Lt. Anthony Jovic, Angel Juarbe Jr., Fr. Mychal Judge, Vincent Kane, B.C. Charles Kasper, Paul Keating, Thomas Kelly (L15), Thomas Kelly (L105), Richie Kelly Jr. (L11), Thomas Kennedy, Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin, Michael Kiefer, Robert King Jr., William Krukowski, Scott Kopytko, Kenneth Kumpel, Thomas Kuveikis, David Laforge, William Lake, Robert Lane, Peter Langone, Scott Larsen, Lt. Joseph G. Leavey, Neil Leavy, Daniel Libretti, Carlos Lillo (FDNY EMS B-49), Robert Linnane, Michael Lynch (L4), Michael Lynch (E40), Michael Lyons, Patrick Lyons, Joseph Maffeo, William Mahoney, Joseph Maloney, Kenneth Marino, Lt. Charles Margiotta, B.C. Joseph Marchbanks Jr., John Marshell, Lt. Peter Martin, Lt. Paul Martini, Joseph Mascali, Keithroy Maynard, Brian Mcaleese, John Mcavoy, Thomas Mccann, Lt. William McGinn, B.C. William McGovern, Dennis Mchugh, Robert McMahon, Robert McPadden, Terence McShane, Timothy McSweeney, Martin McWilliams, Raymond Meisenheimer, Charles Mendez, Steve Mercado, Douglas Miller, Henry Miller Jr., Robert Minara, Lt. Paul Mitchell, Thomas Mingione, Capt. Louis Modafferi, Lt. Dennis Mojica, Manuel Mojica, Carl Molinaro, Michael Montesi, Capt. Thomas Moody, Vincent Morello, B.C. John Moran, Christopher Mozzillo, Richard Muldowney Jr., Michael Mullan, Dennis Mulligan, Lt. Raymond Murphy, Lt. Bob Nagle, John Napolitano, Peter Nelson, Gerard Nevins, Dennis O 'Berg, Douglas Oblschlager, Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan, Joseph Ogren, Samuel Oitice, Patrick O’Keefe (1), Capt. William O'Keefe, Eric Olsen, Jeffery Olsen, Steven Olsen, Kevin O'Rourke, Michael J. Otten L- 35, Jeffery Palazzo, B.C. Orio J. Palmer, Frank Palombo, Paul Pansini, B.C. John Paolillo, James Pappageorge, Robert Parro, Durrell Pearsall, Lt. Glenn Perry, Lt. Philip Petti, Lt. Kevin Pfeiffer, Christopher Pickford, Lt. Kenneth Phelan, Shawn Powell, Vincent Princiotta, Kevin Prior, B.C. Richard Prunty, Lincoln Quappe,Lt. Michael Quilty, Kevin Orourke, Michael Otten, Ricardo Quinn (FDNY EMS B-57), Leonard Ragaglia, Michael Ragusa, Edward Rall, Adam Rand, Donald Regan, Lt. Robert Regan, Christian Regenhard,Lt. Vernon Richard, James Riches, Joseph Rivelli Jr., Kevin Reilly, Michael Roberts (L35), Michael Roberts (E214), Anthony Rocco Jr., Anthony Rodriquez, Matthew Rogan, Nichlas Rossomando, Paul Rubach, Stephen Russell, Lt. Michael T. Russo, B.C. Matthew L. Ryan, Thomas Sabella, Christopher Santora, John Santore, Gregory Saucedo, Dennis Scauso, John Schardt, B.C. Fred Scheffold, Thomas Schoales, Gerard Schrang, Gregory Sikorsky, Stephen Siller, Stanely Smagala Jr., Kevin Smith, Leon Smith Jr., Robert Spear Jr., Joseph Spor, B.C. Lawrence Stack, Capt. Timothy Stackpole, Gregory Stajk, Jeffery Stark, Benjamin Suarez, Daniel Suhr, Lt. Christopher Sullivan, Brian Sweeney, Sean Tallon, Allen Tarasiewicz, Paul Tegtmeirer, John Tierney, John Tipping II, Hector Tirado Jr., Richard VanHine, Peter Vega, Lawrence Veling, John Vigiano II, Sergio Villanueva, Lawrence Virgilio, Lt. Robert Wallace, Jeffery Walz, Lt. Michael Warchola, Capt. Patrick Waters, Kenneth Watson, Michael Weinberg, David Weiss, Timothy Welty, Eugene Whelan, Edward White, Mark Whitford, Michael Weinberg, Lt. Glenn Wilkinson, B.C. John Williamson, Capt. David Wooley, Raymond York. Retired FDNY Firefighters who lost their lives saving others : James J. Corrigan, Phillip Hayes, William Wren. Member of the New York City Fire Patrol who lost his life saving others: Keith Roma.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Baltic FD host Tanker Drill 08/30/10......

On Monday, August 30, 2010 the Baltic FD hosted a tanker task force drill on Noah's Way off of Hanover-Versailles Road. Tankers from Baltic, Franklin, Lisbon, Scotland, Lebanon, Bozrah, and Canterbury shuttled water for a little over an hour. There were two fill sites in operation as well. One being run by an engine from the Yantic FD on Inland Road and the other by Franklin FD's Hose Tender and engine crew on Rte. 97 by Station 24. Thanks Tim for the pics......

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Baltic FD respponds to Car vs Pole 06/07/10........

On Monday june 07, 2010 at 19:46 hours, the Baltic FD was dispatched to in the area of Cumberland Farms for a car vs a pole with the pole snapped. Upon arrival of Car 124 a one car vs pole was found, with the pole snapped. The patient was found to be self extricated from the vehicle. Patient was packaged by R-524's crew and twas transported to Backus Hospital. R-124 was sent from to the scene to a medical call and ET-224 remained on scene ub=ntil the arrival of CL&P. The scene was turned over to the CSP and CL&P once it had been determined the power was secured. Thanks Tim for the pic............

Friday, June 11, 2010

Baltic FD responds Mutal Aid to Yantic and Taftville 06/07/10....

On Monday June 07, 2010, at 14:31 hours Baltic FD's Tanker 124 was requested to 204 Scotland Road in the Yantic section of Norwich for a structure fire in an appartment building. Once on scene Tanker 124 supplied some equipment to the drop site with one load of water (3000 gallons). A short time later (14:52 hours) Baltic FD's Ladder 124 was requested for a cover assignment to the Taftville FD while they operated at the structure fire. Thanks Tim for the pic...............

Friday, May 14, 2010

BAltic FD responds to vehicle off the road 05/14/10.....

On Friday May 14, 2010, at 04:49 hours, the Baltic FD was dispatched to Rte. 207 between Pautipaug and Lacroix Roads for an MVA. Upon arrival of Baltic units they found a vehicle off the road with no injuries. Patient refusal was obtained and the scene was turned over to the CSP. Thanks Tim for the pics......

Baltic FD responds to structure fire 05/10/10......

On Monday, May 10, 2010 at 08:03 hours, the Baltic FD with mutal aid from the Occum and Lisbon FD's were dispatched to 90 Inland Road, Amgraph Packaging for a possible fire in the roof. Upon arrival of the first Baltic officer, the plant personal reported a fire had started in a machine and traveled up some duct work into a roof top unit. At this time the FAST team was requested with an additional truck company. Yantic was started as the FAST and Taftville as the additional Truck Company. As Baltic crews made thier way into the facility, they found the fire had already been knocked down by plant employees, but a heavy smoke condition remained. The Baltic crew along with the help of the Lisbon, Occum, and Taftville crews set up multiple positive pressure fans to eject most of the heavy smoke. The Baltic units that were on scene were, ET-124, Ladder 124, ET-224, and Tanker 124. American Ambulance also had an ALS car on scene doing evaluations on some of the facility personal that fought the inital fire. Thanks Tim for the pics.........................

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baltic FD responds to a brush fire 04/20/10........

On Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 13:12 hours the Baltic FD responded to 70 Bushnell Hollow Road(Rte. 138) for a small brush fire approx. 20 feet from a structure. Upon arrival of ET 224 with Car 124(Baltic command). One line was placed into operation by ET 224's crew and held it in check until ET 124 had arrived with more manpower. Rakes were used to overhaul the area and wet down a final time. Units were clear and placed back into service at 13:23 hours.........

Friday, April 16, 2010

Baltic FD to host Mothers Day breakfast on 05/09/10....

The members of the Baltic Volunteer Fire Department would love to cook breakfast for you & you’re Mom on Mothers Day, Sunday, May 9, 2010. The hours for the breakfest will run from 07:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The address for the Baltic Firehouse is 22 Bushnell Hollow Road, Baltic, CT. 06330, (just in case you are using a GPS to find us). The firefighters & ambulance technicians will prepare the following breakfast for you & your Mom: Pancakes, eggs, sausages, home fries, syrup, and coffee, orange juice or milk will be available. The price for this breakfast will be: $3.00 for children 12 & under. $7.00 for anyone 13 years older. Thank you in advance for your support............

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baltic FD responds to a brush fire 04/11/10.......

On Sunday April 11, 2010 at 15:40 hours, the Baltic FD was dispatched to a small brush fire in the area of the old canal off of Rte. 97. Upon arrival of the first engine the fire was pretty much extinguished. The fire did get into one of the old beams from the old canal gates and had to be torn apart to exinguish it fully. Baltic units on scene were ET 224, ET 124. Tanker 124, and Gator 124. Units were on scene for approx. 30 minutes. Thanks Tim for the pic....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Baltic FD responds to Franklin Industrial/Machinery Accident 03/24/10....

On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, at 18:38 hours, the Baltic FD was special requested for Rescue 124 with the ResQ Jacks to respond to 5 Tyler Drive in Franklin for a industrial/machinery accident. Upon arrival, Rescue 124's crew was ordered by Franklin Command to utilize the ResQ Jacks to stabilize the boom from the Lull that had over turned until the heavy duty wrecker had arrived. Once that was completed Rescue 124's crew went to work with hydraulic tools and a Zawzall, with crews from Franklin and Lebeanon to remove the top of the skid steer so the patient could be extricated. The patient was completely extricated approx. 55 minutes from time of entrapment. The patient was transported to Backus Hospital by franklin Rescue 525 with ALS aboard. Baltic units were released a short time later. Thanks Tim for the pics...........

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baltic FD responds to CO call 03/20/10............

Deputy Chief Girard, FF Davis, FF Edwards, and Utility FF Ferguson......

On Saturday March 20, 2010, the Baltic FD responded to 16 Pautipaug Hill Road for a CO detector sounding. Upon arrival of ET-124 a single occupant was waiting for the FD arrival. Car 124 initiated command. The structure was metered and the occupant was evaluated. No readings were found in the structure and no symtoms with the occupant. Thanks Tim for the pics....

Baltic FD responds to Franklin for smoke investigation 03/15/10...

On Monday, March 15, 2010, at approx. 17:00 hours, the Baltic FD was requested with the Bozrah FD to respond to 15 Murphy Road in the town of Franklin for a smoke investigation in a commercial building. Baltic units on scene were ET-124, Ladder 124, and Tanker 124. Ladder 124 was requested to set up on the "D" side, just North of the "C/D" corner. Units were released a short time after arrival. Nothing found in the structure. Thanks Tim for the pics......

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baltic FD host Valentine Day breakfast...

On February 14, 2010, the members of the Baltic FD hosted a Valentines Day breakfast. The funds raised will be placed towards the Balitc FD's Project Safe Halloween. Thanks Tim for the pics.....

Friday, February 12, 2010

Baltic FD responds to Canterbury for a Chimney Fire 02/10/10.....

On Wednesday, February 10, 2010, at 05:18 hours, the Baltic FD along with Moosup ET 294 and Lisbon FD were dispatched to 22 John Brook Road in Canterbury for a chimney fire. Canterbury FD was already operating at a structure fire on Graff Road with Scotland FD, Central Village FD, Plainfield FD, and Moosup as the FAST . First due units to John Brook Road were, Lisbon ET 254, Engine 154 and Moosup ET 294, followed by Baltic ET 224, Ladder 124, and ET124. Fire was contained to the chimney area. Baltic FD units were released at approx. 06:46 hours. Thank you Joe Shefer for the pic........

Monday, February 8, 2010

Baltic FD responds to a grass/brush fire 02/07/10.......

On Sunday, February 7, 2010, at 15:20 hours, the Baltic FD along with Lisbon FD were dispatched to 138 Potash Hill Road for a grass/brush fire. Upon arrival of Car 224, a heavy smoke condition was noticed. It was unknown were the heavy smoke was originating from. All incoming units were staged at the paper mill until the fire was located. Once the fire was located all units were brought into the scene by Baltic command (Car 224). Baltic engine crews with Lisbon Forestry 154 and Gator 154 entered a field to make their way to the fire. Once the crews had made it through the field and a small wooded area, they had found the source of the heavy smoke, a field fire that had already burned approx. 1 acre. Baltic and Lisbon crews went to work trying to contain the leading edges of the fire line. An Occum engine was dispatched to Westminister Road to monitor that area for extension. Scotland Forestry 116 and Engine 116 were requested durning the incident, to assist with crews already working. Forestry 116 was canceled and Engine 116 was sent to Station 24 for stand by. Fire was contained an overhaul complete at approx. 16:30 hours. Approx. 1 1/2 to 2 acres were burned. A D.E.P. rep. did respond to the scene for a walk of the burned area. Units on scene from Baltic were, ET 124, ET 224, Tanker 124 and Rescue 124 with Gator 124, from Lisbon were Forestry 154, Service 154 with Gator 154 and Occum Engine 42.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Baltic FD responds for possible water rescue 02/04/10......

On Thursday February 4, 2010 at 11:26 hours the Baltic FD was called to Rte. 97 in the area of the Norwich town line for a possible water rescue in the Shetucket River. Upon arrival of Car 224 (Baltic command) a childs tube type water toy was observed to be hung up on some ice approximately 3/4 of the way from the Rte. 97 river bank. The Norwich Underwater Search and Rescue team consisting of Taftville Dive 23, Rescue 2, Squad 2 with boat, and Yantic Rescue 3, Squad 36 with boat were requested by Baltic command to respond and assist. Baltic units on scene were ET 124, Rescue 124 with boat, and Rescue 524. Upon further investigation there was no one in the water or on the ice. A rescue diver was sent out on a rescue ice sled to retrieve the tube. All units were clear at 12:30. Thank you Tim Ricatta, Joe Shefer, and Corey Watford for the pics........

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baltic FD Ladder 124 requested to cover Taftville FD 01/26/10.....

On Tuesday January 26, 2010, at 00:56 hours, Ladder 124 was requested to cover Taftville Fire Department while they operated at a structure fire at 124 North Main Street in Jewett City. Ladder 124 was accompanied by Yantic Engine 33. Ladder 124 and crew were released at around 04:00 hours.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Baltic FD Ladder 124 requested to cover Taftville FD 01/23/10.....

On Saturday January 23, 2010, at 20:06 hours, Ladder 124 with Lisbon ET 154 were requested to cover Taftville Fire Department while they operated at a structure fire on Prospect Street in the Greenville section of Norwich. Ladder 124 and crew were released at around 00:15 hours.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baltic FD responds with Tanker 124 to Yantic for barn fire 01/23/10...

On Saturday January 23, 2010 at approx. 04:40 hours Tanker 124 was requested to the Yantic section of Norwich, 36 Rogers Road for a barn fire. Tanker 124 was placed into staging and did not have to dump any water. They were released a short time after their arrival in staging.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baltic FD 2010 Officers....01/16/10

Chief Robert Tardif-Car 24
Deputy Chief Tom Girard-Car 124
Asst. Deputy Chief-Dave Gifford-Car 224
Captain Less Shull-Car 324
Lieutenant Mike St.Germain-Car 424
Lieutenant John Daigneault-Car 524
Lieutenant Donna Sanford-Car 624
Safety Officer George Allen-Car 724
Chief Engineer Don Ouillete-Car 824

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baltic FD responds to Chimney Fire 01/02/10.....

On Saturday January 02, 2010 at approx. 15:45 hours the Baltic FD was sent to 1 Pautipaug Hill Road for a chimney fire. Upon arrival of Baltic units (ET-124, Ladder 124, Tanker 124, and ET-224) there was an active fire found in a three flue chimney (two wood stoves and one oil furnace) which had not been cleaned in the last seven years, according to the home owner. After several attempts to break up the blockage by traditional ways, Baltic members had to breach the chimney to get to the blockage. A hand line was used to keep the fire contained and extinguished. One engine was requested from the Occum Fire Department to Station 24 to stand-by and were later brought into the scene for man power and TIC. Baltic and Occum units cleared the scene at approx. 18:00 hours. Thanks Tim for the pics............